Well .. the days are getting colder and the evenings longer, but remember that the lights of the Christmas tree, the scent of the fireplace and your favourite people around you, will make this Christmas the most special yet. Only a short while longer and it will finally be “the most wonderful time of the year” again. Of course we can’t start early enough with bringing in the Christmas vibe, so we’ve already got some lovely Christmas inspiration for 2019.
Who’s at the table?
Already busy with the Christmas dinner? Although it can sometimes create stress, it is also super fun to be starting early this year. There are dozens of wonderful Christmas recipes and ways to decorate your table. And now the golden tip from us. And by that we really mean it literally: GOLD !!! Besides the fact that the colour is completely hot and trendy, this is a stunning colour during the holidays. Highly recommended. Use natural elements to cover the table, it will look fresh and original. Take a nice walk in the woods and you will come back with all kinds of beautiful things. Maybe also nice to spray gold? Make it as crazy as you want.

Beautiful Christmas Wish
It remains a tradition, sending Christmas wishes. This is usually done via a stunning Christmas card, but how nice would it be, if you surprise your loved ones with homemade cookies? By wrapping the cookies in a box and adding a ribbon with your Christmas wish or message, you’ll have achieved two in one. A lot more creative and also very personal. Make it original and decorate it exactly the way you want. Think of leaves, branches, ribbons, photos, glitter etc.

Sparkling touch
The time has come, the table is set, the smell of a deliciously stuffed turkey is coming in from the kitchen and your family is arriving any moment. Your favourite Christmas outfit should of course not be missing. Give it your own touch and get funky with ribbons or labels. It’s time to shine, so also here is a perfect opportunity to use a dark color in combination with silver or gold. Are you going for a label? A nice ribbon on the sleeve or a label close to your neckline? Choice galore.

We wish you all Happy Holidays!