Meet Nominette Norway

Did you know Nominette operates worldwide? And that our customer service is available in 6 languages? Nominette is most known in Belgium, France and The Netherlands but we also speak English, German and Norwegian. Meet Nominette Norway in this interview.

Meet Elsebeth from Nominette Norway

Already for more than 13 years, Elsebeth is taking care of Nominette Norway. Elsebeth is living in Kløfta together with her husband. Two of her children are living nearby, and together they love to visit the theatre and go hiking. Next to selling name ribbons, taking care of our Norwegian webshop and Norwegian customers Elsebeth owns her own webshop selling woven labels and ribbons for DIY-projects.

Meet Nominette Norway

DIY in Norway

Norway is a country known for its “DIY-culture”. In almost every family you can find a mother or father, daughter or son, sister or brother who loves to knit, crochet, or sew. Projects can involve traditional folklore costumes or modern patterns.

Why did you start working in the DIY-business?

Because I took over the family company from my father more than twenty years ago, so it’s a coincidence really. I’m a linguist by education but have always loved to be creative with fabrics and yarn.

What is your favorite Nominette product and why?

I absolutely love the versatility in colours for the name bands because there is always a colour to match the project I am working on.

What are Nominette’s bestsellers in Norway?

The product I sell most by far is woven nametapes and clothing labels.

Are you a knitter, sewista or crocheter yourself?

All of them, but sewing is my preferred activity. I am sewing clothes, household products such as curtains and tablecloths, and of course gifts. I especially enjoy quilting bags.

Which DIY project is on your list?

I have two big projects going on. Firstly, Norway has several hundred beautiful national costumes, these are usually strictly regulated in terms of how they should look and what materials should be used. In recent years, it has become popular to design and make your own “national costume” and I am doing this now. Secondly, I will make a wedding dress for one of my daughters.

Meet Nominette Norway

For more Nominette Norway you can follow Elsebeth on Instagram: @nominettenorge